light up letters

Transform your wedding venue with our giant light up letters. Illuminate your chosen Wedding Venue by hiring our customisable light up letters for your ceremony, wedding breakfast, evening dancing or all day. Spell anything you like to celebrate the start of you and your partners adventures together. 

your surname

Surname Light up letters are our most requested prop for weddings, it celebrates your brand new Joint name and they are perfect for your first dance photography shots. 

your initials

Transform your wedding venue with our giant Initial light up initials. Personalised to you and your partners Initials, choose from our large Classic White or Rustic 4ft letters.

love letters

The sky is the limit when it comes to our Light Up Love Letters for hire! Choose from our classic white with sparkle bulbs, rustic, floral, glitter, supersize, or mix and match! We have just what you need to illuminate your event!

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Display your hashtag, ask a question, give a social cue (like DANCE) - whatever the phrase, we can spell it with our big light up letters. Choose between our 4ft classic white love letters or our rustic light up letters to spell the phrase you want to display!


Celebrating a milestone? Graduating this year? Display those numbers in style with our 4ft light up numbers for hire. Say it loud and say it proud!


Add some extra Fun to your event by using one of our many Light up Icons including, Lightning Bolts, Hashtag, Hearts, Crosses or Question Mark!

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Our product catalogue is filled with all the event decor inspiration you need, for every special celebration in your life! Our inventory is always changing to bring the newest, trendiest and unique designs. Flip through our catalogue and send us your wish list for a custom quote!